Friends...It is with a humble heart that is overjoyed with gratitude that I write today!!
Some may question why we share the very intimate details of this journey.
It isn't comfortable to talk about is one's business.
My answer is quite simple...
We DID NOT have the finances to adopt.
For far too long we allowed the fear of money to stand in our way.
We knew that God placed adoption on our heart and that HE wanted us to step out in faith.
It is our desire that by shouting HIS FAITHFULNESS from the rooftops, others will choose to step out boldly to make a difference for one or more of the 163 million beautiful children around the world that need a forever family!!!
So, I share, and pray that our journey will prompt others to step out in faith.
Since my last update, another $1,630 has come in to bring Aaron home!!!
We have had donations handed to us, checks in the mail, and even envelopes left outside our door!!!
Not long ago we even had a sweet 5 year old give his dollar the tooth fairy left him!!
(our families are close and we call the adults aunt and uncle)
This sweet little man gave his ONLY DOLLAR and then said,
"NOW do you have enough to bring my cousin home?"
We assured him that although we are not quite there yet, his dollar made such a difference!!
I started writing this post and then decided to check in with Lifesong for Orphans.
(the organization that has an account for us where folks can make tax deductible donations)
I had not heard from them in quite some time and I was hopeful that another donation may have come in.
Friends...I am so very glad I checked!!!
We had a $1,000 donation come in that we did not know about!!!!
AGAIN I have been everywhere emotional...speechless...squealing...dancing...crying!!!!
Each and every penny that has been lovingly given is so very appreciated! We could not bring Aaron home without the love and support from our family, friends, and those we don't even know with a heart for adoption!!
We are in the home stretch....
We now only need $4,526 plus the flight of one of our daughters (aprox. $1,200)!!!
That amount includes all remaining fees, visa, orphanage contribution, and flights.
We are so very close!!
So we continue to FROG...Fully Rely On God to bring our sweet boy home!!!
Is God calling you to Sweet FROG it as well???
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